If you love perfumes, follow us... The International Perfume Foundation defends the consumer interests in asking perfumers and brands to provide transparency, authenticity, and integrity.
WHAT'S HIDING BEHIND OUR PERFUMES ?Perfumes are important they are part of our life, and their memory was transmitted to us from generation to generation. We cannot lose this precious heritage.
WHERE ARE THE FLOWERS ?Regulations in the EU cannot change our lifestyle and eradicate our heritage. Support our action to preserve Natural Perfumery and encourage the return of flowers and plants in perfume.
Natural Perfumery CertificationIPF has launched its Natural Perfumery Certification Program to identify Natural Perfumers and Retailers. This showed the difficulty to create natural perfumes in the EU because of EU regulations in favour of synthetics. Find out regularly who are the new natural perfumers.
Why Natural perfumes are so importantTo reach wellbeing, discover the power of flower and plants. Sharing knowledge is preserving our precious heritage.
The Secret PowerS of FlowersFlowers and plants have regenerative powers, learn how our ancestors used them to prevent burn out and regenerate our cells.
Our Children are our futureWhich future will you leave them ? Don't you want them to walk in lavender field like your ancestors did ?
Do you want them to have the same luxury as yours to be free to choose your own lifestyle ? |
Become a Member to be part of our community, be invited to join our groups and forums, sharing your passion and love for perfume while protecting its heritage and its future.
If you have time, become a volunteer, help the International Perfume Foundation to accomplish its mission. |
SECRET CABINETDo you love Paris? Do you love perfume bottles? Are you a collector? Are you looking for vintage perfumes? Looking for curiosities ? You will like Secret Cabinet ! The host, Yan Schalburg - you probably met him in Paris, in his gallery - is offering a free shipping to all IPF members. |
BECOME A NATURAL PERFUMERIf you love nature, plants and flowers, learn Natural Perfumery. In the past MANY women were Perfumers and Healers at the same time. They cultivated their gardens, obtained the essence of plants and flowers by distillation, maceration or enfleurage.
Take a Natural Perfumery 9 month extensive online course and learn about the healing power of nature. |