IPF will identify and award scholarships to rural women willing to learn the art of perfumery with the goal of teaching this art to others in their communities.
This program will be hold in accordance with the World Heritage Program and groups such as UNESCO, the International Union for Conservation (IUCN), and the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) focusing on the original sources for perfumes and fragrances with the objectives to develop sustainable and ethical natural fragrance production in key locations worldwide while teaching and preserving ancestral culture techniques including methods for proper flower and plant care. |
The International Foundation is empowering women, developing their skills and helping them to become self-sufficient, productive, and efficient. IPF is identifying and awarding scholarships to rural women willing to learn the Art of Perfumery with the goal of becoming Certified Natural Perfumers, or Certified Perfumery Teachers sharing this art to others within their communities.
Women are important for the next generations, caring and protecting family, they understand the importance of reconnecting with nature and using the benefit of plants and flowers for their children's health. This is why the International Perfume Foundation is developing an education program teaching the Art of Natural Perfumery to empower women worldwide first by becoming perfumers and then by teaching the Art of Natural Perfumery to others within their communities. In the past and in most regions of the world, contrary at today, perfumery was linked to healing and to the knowledge of plants properties (Les Routes du Parfum). It was natural to pick up the flowers, plants, associate their beneficial power to create perfumes, balms, potions or infusions and use them for the well being of themselves and their families. "Women are going to take an important place in the next future contributing to their Communities and to the World while creating the rebirth of the authentic Natural Art of Perfumery and protecting this precious World Heritage" Creezy Courtoy |