The olfactory sense is one of the first senses developed in newborns, however for many years it was considered too animal-like and was largely ignored by many societies.
In our present environment the visual sense dominates over the other senses. Many people have lost a keen olfactory sense and must again learn to smell since to achieve wellness holistically, we need each sense to be in balance. Without reinforcement, the sense of smell can progressively diminish and nearly disappear at an early age. Since we have observed in many schools teachers saying "Look!" "Listen!" or "Touch!" but rarely "Smell!" For this reason olfactory lessons should be introduced at all ages and at all levels with methods adjusted for each stage of childhood. |
Children's ProgramsChildren develop senses other than smell quickly (sight, hearing, and touch) which sometimes discourages the development of the olfactory sense. This process is not intentional but happens because their upbringing might unintentionally discourage the sense of smell. Since the first years of a child's life are fundamental, they need a variety of sense experiences to gather an assortment of sensations giving them the necessary input to develop all senses harmoniously including the sense of smell.
The 3 pilot projects made for schools and communities: 1. Nursery classes 2. Primary classes 3. Secondary classes Many children have a somewhat vague vision of the nose compared to how they visualize the eyes and the mouth. When they draw faces, sometimes noses go missing! This school program encourages children to draw noses which, as you see in the photos is a lot of fun for everyone!
Order the book - 92 pages including 4 colour pages , 10 pictures.
This book is designed to parents, nurses and teachers. It is also for adults having lost their olfactory sense. Price: 30 euros (including shipping for US/EU) |
Discover How to Educate Your Olfactive Sense
How to Preserve it, How to Develop it How to Restore it. Enrol for our Olfaction Training Online Course Are you a school, an educator, a parent ? Enrol for our Little Nose Workshop and learn how to preserve and encourage the development of young children olfactory sense. |